Custom Class Options
Ancestral Skills 101: Friction Fire, Cordage, Basic Stone Tools Full day class Animal Processing: Small animal or Large animal Half day, One day or Two day class depending on detail Brain tanned Buckskin Three day class Brain tanned Furs One to one and a half days Buckskin 101: Sampler bag class Full day Buckskin Sewing: Introduction, Bag or Garment work Half a day to several days depending on projects Buckskin Moccasins Full Day Drop Spinning Half day Felting: Hats, Bags or Vests Half day for bags, Full day for hats, Two day for vests Fermentation for Preservation and Health Half or Full day depending on detail Food Preservation Half or Full day depending on detail Living without Refrigeration Half day Off Grid Living Skills Full day Primitive Pottery 1-3 days depending on firing Mead Making Half day Shoe making- Sandals, Shoes and boots One to several days depending on project Raising Meat Rabbits Half day Willow Basketry: Round or oval baskets, Pack baskets Full day for small baskets or Two days for Pack or large baskets |