Anti Racism Resources
Why this page?
Buckskin Revolution is about sharing ancestral and land based living skills, connection practices, and inspiration. This is motivated by the idea that these skills and the ability to connect with the world around us is part of what makes us human. They are part of our birthright and help us to be whole, healed and free. I see practicing and providing access to these skills in a world that is so oriented toward modernization and technology to be a revolutionary act. That said, the revolution doesn't stop there.
None of us are truly free until all of us are free. As you'll read on the bottom of every page on this website, Buckskin Revolution is devoted to positive change, social justice, and equity. This means equal access to resources for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or other factors. Buckskin Revolution recognizes that we live in a complex and inequitable society and that there are factors that limit: freedom and access to learning, nature, and ancestral skills, amongst many other things like healthy food, pure water, wild spaces, and personal safety; more for some people more than for others. I put together this page in June 2020 to join in and support the ongoing civil rights movement brought to forefront of the world stage at that time.
As much as it is easier and happier to believe that we are beyond racism in the United States and in the greater world, that is demonstrably not the case. The intention of this page is not to argue that point, but to provide resources to educate ourselves about how we can better understand and work to dismantle the ongoing systems of oppression that operate within our country, within our unconscious belief systems, within ourselves, our loved ones and our social circles. Whoever and however we are, these underlying systems of oppression are part of the soup we are swimming in, and will not change until we are able to recognize and address them.
I am not putting myself forward as an expert or authority in these matters, and most of these resources are ones I have found through other groups and people doing this work, not from me personally. I have not read them all and I too am, and will continue to be, in the process of educating myself throughout my lifetime on these matters. I offer these humbly in service to the causes I was asked to pledge myself to every day in grade school- the causes of liberty and justice for all.
Reading Materials:
My Grandmothers Hands Resmaa Menakem
What does it mean to be White? Robin DiAngelo
White Fragility: why is it so hard for white people about racsim? Robin DiAngelo
Websites and Articles:
Mental Health Resources for the BIPOC Community
On working to unlearn our implicit biases:
Note: the resources here were all shared with me, not authored by me
Reading list with PDF files of recommended books:
Scaffold Resources for Anti-Racists
Police Brutality Center article on Racial Profiling
Media Resources:
Organizations to support with your donations:
Movement for Black Lives
My Grandmothers Hands Resmaa Menakem
What does it mean to be White? Robin DiAngelo
White Fragility: why is it so hard for white people about racsim? Robin DiAngelo
Websites and Articles:
Mental Health Resources for the BIPOC Community
On working to unlearn our implicit biases:
Note: the resources here were all shared with me, not authored by me
Reading list with PDF files of recommended books:
Scaffold Resources for Anti-Racists
Police Brutality Center article on Racial Profiling
Media Resources:
Organizations to support with your donations:
Movement for Black Lives